
Please visit my blog for the latest news on my books, marbling and life.

Welcome to Losing Her Marbles & Granan’s Books.

I love making books  and that has lead into learning other related activities, marbling paper, making boxes and other paper crafts.  This site is divided into sections devoted to each of my obsessions.  Please browse around and enjoy.  I sell my books, cards and boxes at my shop, LosingHerMarbles on Etsy.

I started making books over 30 years ago after taking a course at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.  Due to family and work responsibilities, it was never more than a casual hobby until I retired.
Now that I am retired, I finally have the time and energy to play. In the pages of this site, I hope to share my passions for books, bookmaking and paper. I hope you will join me and enjoy.

Books, many types and styles:

Some of my hand-marbled papers showing a variety of patterns and colorways.

And more fun stuff — Jacob’s ladders, Treasure Towers, Portfolios & Notepads and some different books!

Here’s a sample of my items that are for sale on Etsy. Clicking on any of the photos will take you to my shop on Etsy.

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Marbled Papers

Boxes & Other Creations


22 Responses to Welcome

  1. Grace

    HI Nancy!

    I am interested to know if you are offering marbling classes somewhere in Fingerlakes Region? I am from Cayuga County. I realized u are from same region so I am seeking information when will you will offer workshop? I really want to take it as soon as possible. Please send info. to me via email address.

    • Grace,
      So glad you are interested in marbling. It really is a lot of fun. I probably won’t be offering any classes until warmer weather! Maybe in June. This summer is going to be quite hectic for me, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to squeeze in a class.
      My classes are offered through the Arts Center of Yates County and are listed in the workshop section of their website. I’ll also announce any upcoming classes on my blog.
      Thanks for asking,

  2. Susan

    Hello Grace,
    I have been playing with marbling papers using acrylics for a few weeks, having a great time. I would like to make a bouquet comb, and gathered up some supplies (using plastic hair-curler pins and wooden yardsticks). However, I am unsure how close together the pins should be, and how much of an angle between alternating teeth (first row, then second row-this is hard to explain, but the “zig-zag” needs to be measured!) I would like to create a tight bouquet. Started out thinking one inch between the teeth, but is this enough for a tighter design? Suggestions? Thanks!

    • Susan,
      I’m afraid I can’t be much help to you here. I only started playing with a bouquet rake/comb this summer! I bought mine from Galen Berry at MarbleArt. I’m not at home so I can’t measure it for you, sorry. From the little I’ve used it, I think the tightness of the pattern before using the bouquet rake is crucial. I did a short blog on it, but I’m really not an expert or even very experienced with it. I hope to have time to change that this winter!

  3. Susan

    oops- sorry, I called you “Grace”–I meant NANCY!

  4. Sean

    Thanks for such a great blog. Can I ask, what paper do you find works best for endpapers for your books. You mention Textoprint does not paste down well. Thanks!

    • Sean,
      Thanks for your comments. Always like to hear from people reading my scribbling.
      I really like using a drawing weight paper for my endpapers. It’s slightly heavier than a lot of people use, but since I also use it for my textblocks, it makes a good match. I also find that it marbles well, rarely tears and I can control it easily. This is important for me as I find that I’m getting a bit more fumble-fingered as I get older, sad to say. I use a lot of Strathmore Drawing 80 lb/ 130gsm (brown cover) or 70 lb./115gsm (yellow cover). I also have Canson Drawing (70lb./ 115gsm.) which has a bit smoother surface. It depends on whether I’m going for a textured, hand-torn look or am looking for something smooth and elegant. Even when I’m using printed endpapers, I prefer the slightly heavier ones. The thinner the paper, the more it curls or flops and is generally harder to handle. I also love working with Chiyogami, but it’s a bit expensive and unorthodox for endpapers.
      Try everything and see what works best for you. If you are not sure about a paper, do a test run with a small piece and a scrap of binders’ board. As you probably know, it’s really hard to fix a paper that hasn’t pasted down well.
      Best of luck and feel free to ask anything else.

  5. Terry Walker

    How I wish I had seen your site earlier! I am an archivist who started marbling in order to create end papers and papers for custom enclosures. Often I feel as if I am working in a vacuum. Your blog postings are very helpful. Your work is inspiring.

    • Terry,
      Thanks for the compliment. I am also an archivist, retired now. The preservation boxes I made for my archives/library were so boring because I didn’t use anything with dyes, plain linen cloth with neutral papers. When I started making books and boxes for fun, I went wild with color! I began marbling because I was frustrated by the small choice of printed marbled papers to make endpapers. I wanted a more diverse range of colors and patterns for my blank books and I couldn’t afford the hand marbled papers that were available. Recently I’ve been working with a bookbinder who specializes in Medieval bindings, but I still use my papers even though they are anachronistic for that period.
      I’ve been very lazy the past year about blogging. Your comment may inspire me to write about a class I took before Thanksgiving. Hope I can make time to do it.
      Thanks again for your positive reinforcement.

  6. Just decided to add marbling to my skill set and I think your great blog & general info will be a great help to some of the more curious problems I’m running into. Yay & thank you

  7. Sophie

    Hello Nancy,

    I am writing from the UK so not sure if you will be able to help but I thought it was worth a try!
    Where do you get your supplies of Carragheen and Alum from? And how are they specifically described?
    Thanks so much,

    • Hi Sophie,
      Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I missed your question. There are several people on Etsy that sell carraghneen and alum for marbling. I have ordered some from Israel, but I don’t remember the exact name of the shop. Talas and Dhrama are two companies in the US that also sell marbling supplies. Be sure what you buy is for marbling, not food grade.
      Good luck,

  8. Hi, Nancy
    I am eager to try paper marbling for the first time, and have been reading your step-by-step instructions. I have a question: after you make a print, is it enough to lay the paper down in a tray of water to remove the size, or do you also need to rinse it off afterwards? I am afraid to ruin the pattern. Thank you for your advice!

  9. Judy Ritts

    Hi! I’m new to marbling! I have a zillion questions! Is there a book or course you would suggest?
    Love your work!
    Judy Ritts

    • Hi Judy,
      Thanks for stopping by my blog. There are lots of marbling classes popping up all over, from 1 hour “make it & take it” to full week classes. What you choose all depends on how serious you are about learning the craft, where you are, and how much time and money you have to spend. The best classes I took were at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC JCCFS, but Arrowmont in TN and Snow Farm in MA also have great classes.
      To evaluate a class, check the instructor’s profile. You want to learn from someone who is at least semi-professional, not a hobbyist. Check what kind of materials will be used in the class. You want quality paints and carrageenan, not food dyes and shaving cream! Look at the types and styles of the instructor’s papers. Do you fall in love with them?
      I have found that learning marbling technique from written sources to be challenging. Once you have learned the basic technique, there are several books that have the directions for producing various patterns. I use “Marbled Designs” by Patty and Mimi Schleicher whenever I find myself getting into a rut with using the same patterns over and over.
      Good luck and Happy Marbling!

  10. Jed

    Superb post.Never knew this, appreciate it for letting me know.

  11. Heidi Envall

    I used 1 tablespoon golden fluid acrylic paint to four tablespoons distilled water. The drops expand, and then they contract and partially sink. Does this seem like way too much paint? What is your usual ratio?

    • Sorry to have missed your post. I hope you’ve solved your problem by now. If not, I think that’s probably too much water, but the dropping out implies too much paint! Weird. How are you dropping your paint? With a medicine dropper, whisk or another way? You may be dropping too large a quantity of paint at a time. Marbling is a matter of single drops, not splashes. A single drop, like a drop of rain, can cover a large area. Try this: in a small tray (to conserve the carragenan) drop one or two drops of paint without any water and watch what happens. Skim that, add just a little bit of water to the paint and again drop just a bit. Repeat, adding a bit more water with each drop until the paint floats on the surface without dropping out. I’ve found trial and error is really the best teacher. If you are really compulsive, do this with every color because they do react differently, but it’s not really necessary once you have found the zone.
      Good luck and happy marbling.

  12. Cynthia Bryant

    Hello Nancy,

    Your marbling information is terrific. I will read more completely soon

    I’ve taken 2 week long classes and one weekend marbling class, but I have never marbled at home, except once with starch
    One of my teachers was referenced in your information: Pat Thomas
    Yes, I made corner bead board rakes! Thanks Pat
    I never focused much on the set up because I never thought I would set up at home

    I recently ordered a marbling kit and now, I’m trying to solidify the details. I plan to marble paper and fabric.
    One thing you mentioned that I’d like to know more about is your marbling space. I’m planning to set up in our basement, but the temp is less than was recommended with my kit. Our basement is 57 degrees, year round

    I can use a small heater but our basement is big. I could separate my marbling area to help hold heat

    My readings indicate these ideas about marbling and temp:

    68 degrees (Teresa Hays – workshop handout)

    75-95 degrees (indoor) “Make sure size, paints, surfactant are in same space so as to be same temp. (Pam Granger Gale email)

    “Haven’t noticed climate to be significant factor” (Daniel and Pam Cohen – Marbling on Fabric)

    And mostly, temp is not discussed in regards to marbling.

    One paint site – acrylics are best at 32-90 degrees, but 65-75 is best
    Paint might not be ok outside of ten degrees – 55-85

    And I read that paints are subject to freezing during shipment

    What are your thoughts on basement temp?

    I definitely plan to leave my supplies in basement for about 24 hours to be at same temp. I also plan to wait until warmer outside

    Marbling can be fickle enough with paint sinking or floating, ect that I hope to at least have a good temperature

    I’m too messy to set up inside house. Ha ha

    Thanks Cynthia

    • Cynthia,
      As you can tell from my pictures, I marble in my basement! You are absolutely right about it being too messy for the house. The area I use is more comfortable and warmer in the summer than the winter, and I tend to do more in warmer weather. I haven’t found much difference except the carrageenan tends to break down more quickly in warmer weather.
      I, personally, find it uncomfortable to work in an area that’s much below 60* – 65*, especially rinsing the paper in cold water. That’s just my comfort though, not any reaction in the marbling. My advice would be to set it up and try it out. See if it works for you.
      I haven’t noticed any difference in the paints that I could link to temperature, but then I wasn’t looking for one.
      Good luck with your basement setup.

      • Cynthia Bryant

        Thanks for your reply
        Basement, here we come!
        I’m thinking about logistics today.
        One thing I’m considering is my water source
        We need to get sink in basement (my husband needs water too he makes wine). I have faucet nearby, but outside
        I may use a container of water
        I’ll probably set up this month
        Thanks for your encouragement
        Thanks Cynthia

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